History According to Bob

This CD has over 3 1/2 Hours of podcasts. There are 25 shows covering such things as the History of Epirus, Pyrrhus Genealogy, Epirus Invades Italy, Pyrrhus on the Throne, Pyrrhus and Ptolemy , Pyrrhus the Person, Pyrrhus and the Epirate Army, Pyrrhus and the Ladies, Pyrrhus Vs Lysimachus, Pyrrhus Arrives in Italy and Pyrrhus and his Elephants plus much more.

This CD has over 3 1/2 Hours of podcasts. There are 26 mp3 shows covering:
Battle Heraclea, Battle of Asculum, Pyrrhus Trie Sicily, March to Lilybaeum, Battle Maleventum, Pyrrhus Campaihn in Macedonia, Pyrrhus Attacks Sparta, Pyrrhus Loses a Son, plus much more.

Wars of Alexanders Successors Vol 1: Death of Alexander to Rise of Cassander
This cd has over 5 hours of podcasts on the death of Alexander to rise of Cassander on 33 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Antipater Takes Over, Polyperchon vs Cassander, Rise of Olympias, Rise of Antigonus, Where is Alexander Buried, Who Would be King, Lamian War, The Split, Perdiccas Takes Over, Perdiccan War and Battle of Gabene plus much more.

Wars of Alexanders Successors Vol 2: Death of Alexander to Rise of Cassander
This cd has over 4 hours of podcasts on the Wars of Alexander Successors Cassander to Rise of Lysimachus on 32 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Fall of Asander, Demetrius Vs Ptolemy, Ptolemy in Egypt, Rise of Seleucas, Campaign against India, Death of Alexander IV, Polyperchon and Heracles, Siege Rhodes 305 BC, Rise of Lysimachus.

Wars of Alexanders Successors Vol 3: Lysimachus to the Death of Seleucas
This cd has over 4 hours of podcasts on the final section of the Battle for the Alexanders Kingdom this final section covers Lysimachus to the death of Seleucas on 33 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Battle of Ipsus, Egypt Rules the Aegean Sea, Ptolemaic Egypt, Death of Ptolemy I, Macedonian Succession Problems, Fall of Demetrius, Seleucas Final Years and the Aftermath of the Wars of Alexanders Successors plus much more. This cd has been edited of the end of podcast mantra but still have the sources.

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