History According to Bob

100 Years War Vol. 1
This cd has over 5 and 1/2 hours of podcasts on the background and causes of the 100 Years War on 33 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Rise of the French king, France in 1328, England of Edward III, Robert The Bruce, Ramifications of the Scottish Wars, Homage, Diplomatic Failures, Scottish Revolt and Background to the English Army plus much more.

100 Years War Vol. 2
This cd has over 5 hours of podcasts on the period from 1337 to 1340 just up to the Battle of Sluys in the 100 Years War on 41 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; Edward looks for Allies, French Naval Strategy 1338, Flemish Revolt, Gascony Campaign, French plan ti invade England, Mutiny in the French Navy, Attack on Cambrai, Battle La Capelle, Edward proclaimed king of France by the Flemish, and much much more.

100 Years War Vol. 3 The Sluys Period 1340
This cd has over 4 hours of podcasts on the naval Battle of Sluys and Edward III of France during the 100 Years War on 25 different podcasts. Some of the topics on this cd include; The Tournai Campaign, French Scheldt Valley Campaign, Battle of Sluys, Battle of St. Omer, Attack on Tournai, Edward III goes bankrupt and Edward III frustration rages plus much more. This cd has been edited of the end of podcast mantra but still have the sources.

100 Years War Vol. 4 The First Interim Period 1340-1345
This CD has almost 4 1/2 Hours of podcasts and covers the 100 YEARS WAR FROM 1340 TO 1345. There are 36 shows covering such things as: Brittany succession, Countess Jeanne taking command, Edward III aid to Brittany, Philip VI and the New Pope, French offensive of 1342, Ingham's diversion, Fall of the Montfortists, Papal Negotiations, and ultimately the War is renewed plus much more.

100 Years War Vol. 5 Crecy Period Part 1 1345-1346 Battle Crecy

100 Years War Vol. 6 Crecy Period Part 2 1349-1349 Bubonic Plague

100 Years War Vol. 7 Plague To Calais Campaign 1355
This CD has almost 3 1/2 Hours of podcasts and covers the 100 YEARS WAR FROM Plague to Truce of 1355.
There are 25 shows covering such things as: three parts on just the Plague, Return to Fighting 1349 Plot to Retake Calais 1350, Truce of 1350, King Philip IV Dies, John II Finances , Renewed Fighting 1351, Edward III Prepares to Invade France, Financing the Poitier Campaign, and three parts on Charles of Navarre plus much more.

100 Years War Vol. 8 Battle Poitier and Aftermath
This CD has almost 3 Hours of podcasts and covers the 100 YEARS WAR FROM Battle of Poitier to its aftermath. There are 25 shows covering such things as: Edward the III and the Scots, John II Financial Problems, Black Prince Makes his move, four parts to the Battle of Poitier, Panic after the Battle, John II Ransom, Truce of Bordeaux and French King in England plus much more.

100 Years War Vol. 9 The Jacquerie Revolt 1358 And Chalres Of Navarre
This CD has almost 3 Hours of podcasts. There are 22 shows including; Paris on Edge, Coup Feb 1358, Revolution Feb to April 1358,Jacquerie Revol 2 parts, Charle's Navarre Negotiates with the Dauphine, Collapse of the Paris Revolt 2 parts, Situation 1357, Gascon Companies move North and East , Desperation of John II and much more.

Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest
This CD has nearly 5 hours of shows on topics from Roman Britain through the Conquest of England by William of Normandy, including a video on medieval armor. The podcasts are in chronological order.

Carolingian Franks
This CD has 34 podcasts lasting over 6 hours plus a powerpoint presentation on the Carolingian Franks.

This CD has over 5 Hours of podcasts and covers the history of attacks on Constantinople from its beginning as Capital of the Eastern Roman Empire until its fall in 1453. There are 39 shows covering Early Attacks on Constantinople, Sultan Mehmet II, Council of Florence, where are the Allies, Ottoman Artillery, Siege Begins, Ottomans Sail on Land, Omens of May, plus much more.

Joan Of Arc Life & Legacy
This CD has 36 podcasts that run over 3 hours. The CD covers everything from Joans Birth to Joans Execution and everything in between; Childhood, Birth, Trial, Battle Patay, Battle Orleans, Capture , Coronation of the Dauphin,and much much more. ALL CDs are in MP3 format.

Merovingian Franks
This CD covers the Franks from their arrival in on the scene to the final fall of the Merovingian kings to the Carolingian Kings rise to power.

Ottoman Empire Vol 1 Osman I to Suleiman I
This Cd has over 7 and 1/2 hours of shows covering rise of the Ottoman Turks to the great Suleiman I with a lot inbetween. Topics include Seljuk Turks, Ottoman Gov(2 parts), Ottoman Civil War, Murad I, Mehmed II, Battle for Constantinople(5 parts), topkapi Palace history, Ottoman Expansion Phase, Suleiman reign and much much more. In all there are 41 shows in mp3 format on this disc. Each show a list the sources that play at the end.

Ottoman Empire Vol 2 Selim II to Turkish Republic
This CD has 43 shows totaling over 6 and one half hours of listening .Some of the topics covered include; a six part series on the life of Mustapha Kemal, Battle of Lepanto, Siege of Vienna, Turkish War of Independence, Crimean War and all the sultans from Selim II to the creation of the Turkish Republic and much much more. In all there are 43 shows in mp3 format on this disk.

Rise of Islam and the History of the Crusades
Over 6 hours of information on the Crusades including a detailed account of the Muslim Religion.

William Marshall - Greatest Knight of the Middle Ages
This Cd has over 7 and 1/2 hours of shows covering the life and actions of one of the greatest knights of the Middle Ages William Marshall. Marshall was the main man for King Henry II, Richard I and even King John, defeated over 500 men in single combat, Crusader, trainer of kings, Regent of England and helped to force the signing of the Magna Carta. Topics include Rise of the Marshall Family, Early Tourneys, Knight Errant(4 shows), Eng and Fr 1187-1189, Death Henry II,Richard Vs Philip of Fr, Death Richard I, Civil War 1215-1216, Regency, Battle of Lincoln, Defeat of Louis of France and the Restoration of England and a lot in between. In all there are 44 shows in mp3 format on this disc. Each show a list the sources that play at the end.

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© Bob Packett 2025